Kindergarten (4-6 years old)
Our schools provide a rich learning environment for all children to learn and grow. In the Kindergarten program, the children will develop their skills and abilities through inquiry and intentional play-based learning. Teachers and early childhood educators plan learning experiences where children are actively engaged in learning and thinking creatively.
Children in this grade are tasked with building an understanding of basic math and simple writing conventions on a foundation of numbers and letters. The best way to help a kindergarten students learn is to maintain their interest.
- During the first year at Little Stars Kindergarten we focus on the sounds made by the letters in the alphabet and will start putting the sounds together to make three letter words.
- Children will start to write short sentences; initially they will copy sentences that they have dictated, by the end of the year they will be trying to write their own sentences in free writing.
- They will study storybooks and take an interest in reading.
- We hear every child read every day, children entering Little Stars Kindergarten will start on the pre reader course and progress to the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme. Children take a book home each week to read with their parents.
- As we go through the year we inform parents of what their child is learning and give parents ideas to reinforce concepts at home.
- Each child is treated as an individual and we design our lessons and worksheets to match their progress.
- We initially focus of the numbers 1 – 10 to ensure children understand the symbol and value of each number.
- We have a short mental math game each day to get the children thinking.
- Throughout the year we focus on discrete numeracy topics such as capacity, length, 3D shapes.
- By the end of the first year children are ready to start learning number bonds, basic addition and subtraction.

Throughout the year we have interesting themes; these are conducted over a period of weeks to allow children have more time for in depth study. The program rolls for two years so that themes are not repeated again in Kindy B. The themes covers science, cultural, music, drama, art and craft activities.
The themes can range from studying a popular story book – such as ‘The bear hunt’ or looking at ‘fairy tales’ to more scientific topics such as floating and sinking, space and magnets or a more artistic focus for example textiles or color mixing.

The Kindergarten children enjoy trying out many different recipes during ‘cooking time’. The children really love this time and it’s a great way to promote healthy eating. Cooking utilities many skills ranging from reading recipes, measuring quantities and using fine motor skills to mix, roll, cut and kneed.

Music and Movement
Each Kindergarten class has a weekly music and movement lesson where the children are encouraged to play with sounds, pitch, note duration and experiment with rhythm and movement. Each term we change the focus, from modern dance to yoga to creating their own band.

Physical Development
Both Kindergarten classes have a sport lesson each week. We focus on improving motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities such as balance, ball skills, movement and strengthening activities as well as team games.