Playing, exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically are the ways in which the child engages with other people and their environment. It underpins learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner.
Little Stars offers the perfect balance of learning and play, combining structured learning experiences with play activities designed for each developmental stage in a fun, safe and nurturing environment.

This activity provides opportunities to learn social skills, communication skills and academics while establishing a sense of classroom activities.

Music activities give children opportunities to use their entire bodies for learning and exploring their surroundings, build awareness by listening to the many kinds of sounds, and help children experience the release and freedom of body movement.

Children learn sorting and counting skills, putting materials in order and patterning. Through manipulating small materials, children will also begin to understand basic concepts such as big/little, large/small, same and different.

In the large room we have role play areas such as an office, hospital, house corners and shops that will invite children to use their imagination. The role play stimulates their imagination and enhances their social development, encourages friendship through cooperation, listening and turn taking.

Children develop language skills orally through, for example, storytelling, rhymes and role play. They also gradually develop pre-writing skills through a range of media, for example, finger painting, chalk and crayons. Literacy activities include identifying rhyming words and creating group stories on the flannel board. Math activities focus on positional words, identifying and creating shapes, and on measuring.

Physical activity will improve children’s strength, endurance and skill of skeletal muscles and coordination skills. Our aim is to give young children the opportunity to achieve physical skills such as jumping, hopping, climbing on a climbing frame, kicking a ball, catching a large ball with both hands etc.

Arts and crafts activities will stimulate the children’s imagination and creativity, helping with physical and mental development.
The children will experience arts through the freedom of touching, feeling, pulling, twisting, tearing, pasting, bending, scraping, cutting, pounding, shaping, and so much more. They are developing a feel for forms, balance, line, color, and shape as well as gaining practice in problem solving.
Through hands-on activities, children learn about various relationships, sharpening their powers of observation, and beginning the process of logical thinking, and developing motor skills.